Find Us at the Store
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Below is a list of the stores you can find our product in.
Food Market
Asparagus/Beans products can be found in the Liquor Dept. in the condiment area and pepper spread it the gourmet cheese area.
Corners of Brookfield, Barker & Bluemound Rds.
Franklin, 52nd & Rawson
Germantown, Mequon & Pilgrim Rds.
Grafton, 1st Avenue
Greenfield, 79th & Layton Avenue
Mequon, Mequon & Port Washington Rds.
New Berlin, Moorland & Coffee Rds.
Wauwatosa, 84th North Avenue
Waukesha, Meadowbrook Rd. (CTH G) & (Hwy. 18) Summit Ave.
West Bend, Hwy. 33 & 21st
Whitefish Bay, Silver Spring Dr.
Piggly Wiggly
Asparagus/Beans in various locations in each store.
Oconomowoc, Brown Street
Hartland, Cottonwood Avenue
Lake Geneva, Geneva Square, Hwy. 12 & 120
Kenosha, Pershing Square, 42nd Avenue & 75th St.
Albrecht’s all products are in aisle #3, Metcalfe’s aisle #2 and condiments in liquor
Delafield, Albrecht’s, Hwys. 94 & 83
Wauwatosa Metcalfe’s, 68th & W. State St.
Racine location, Hwy. 32 & Douglas Avenue
4 Mile Rd. in the coke machine by checkout
Outpost Natural Foods
Asparagus/Beans/Pepper spread in various locations in each store.
Bay View, Kinninknick Avenue
Milwaukee Riverwest, Capitol Dr.
Wauwatosa, 70th & State St.
Mequon, 76th & Mequon Rd.
Asparagus/Beans, Condiment area between flowers and Liquor
Menomonee Falls, 124th & Hwy. 145
Oak Creek, Howell & Drexel Avenue
Waukesha, Main St. & Hwy. 164 (Les Paul Parkway)
West Allis Cheese & Sausage Shop
Milw. Public Market, St. Paul Avenue & Water St.
West Allis, 68th & Becher St.
Mars Cheese Castle
I-94 & Exit 342, Kenosha